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Privacy policy

This is the website of Hebias

Hebias is taking care of the privacy and protection of the personal data of the customers and website visitors ( and the Web Applications (CRM agenda, Price Lists, Launch Planner, etc.), provided through Software as a Service (SaaS), hereinafter referred to ‘Web Applications’. This policy outlines how we process and manage your personal data.

For detailed terms of use and liability regarding ‘Web Applications’, we refer you to the ‘Hebias web application agreement’ that you may have agreed on with Hebias (if applicable). In case of any discrepancies, the provisions of the ‘Hebias web application agreement’ will take precedence over those outlined in this general ‘privacy policy’.


Hebias BV will act as the data controller and will manage the data of the customers and users in compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679, or “GDPR”) and the Belgian Data Protection Act. These regulations safeguard your rights concerning your personal data.

This policy explains the types of personal data we collect, how it is processed after visiting our website or web application, and assures you that your data is managed appropriately.

This privacy policy and the terms of use apply whenever you visit or use our website or web application. The application of any other terms is prohibited unless expressly permitted in writing by us in advance, in which case this policy will still apply alongside the specific agreement. By using this website, Web Applications, and its contents, you agree to comply with the full terms of this policy.

Types of Personal Data We Collect
Most parts of our website can be accessed without providing personal data. However, access to the Hebias web applications can be restricted and requiring user identification. We may collect and process the following personal data categories for specific purposes:

  • Name, title, address
  • Contact details (email, phone number)
  • Company and role

Additional or optional data may be collected through forms on our website, web application, or through direct communication (phone, email, trade fairs, etc.). We may also collect data from your devices, including:

  • Login details (username, password)
  • Location data (via IP address, social media, GPS from your mobile device)
  • Log files detailing website and application usage to detect issues and compile statistics
  • Data collected through cookies, web beacons, or other internet tools
  • Data from third-party services like Google or Microsoft, if you request such connections
  • All information related to the pages that you have consulted on our website
  • All information that you have supplied to us voluntarily (such as research information and/or site-registration)

In some cases, we may also collect publicly available data to verify previously collected information or for business development purposes.

Why We Collect Your Data and Legal Basis
We collect personal data to understand your needs and enhance the services we provide. This includes creating user profiles, tailoring our offerings, and improving website functionality, incl. all information that you have supplied to us voluntarily (such as research information and/or site-registration)

  • Providing our services: First, it will be necessary for us to process certain personal data such as your identification data, in order to validate your subscription, to process your payment and to provide the services to which you subscribed, as well as customer support. This is therefore necessary for the conclusion and performance of our contract with you. For example, we may use the information collected from you to verify your identity. We may also use this information to establish and set up your account, verify or re-issue a password, log your activity and contact you from time to time. The information helps us improve our services to you and customize your browsing experience. In addition, this information helps us track any fraudulent activities and other inappropriate activities and monitor content integrity. If you are subscribing on behalf of an organisation, we have a legitimate interest in processing your data as contact details for the conclusion and performance of the contract.
  • Customer management: In order to provide optimal (future)customer experience, we process personal data such as name, address, e-mail address, phone number, profession, and organization for the purpose of customer management. We carry out this processing based on our legitimate interest in knowing our (potential) customer and maintaining our relationship with you, with a view to providing a stellar (potential) customer experience. By manually creating these profiles, Hebias can also provide you with much more focused and useful information.
  • Compliance: To maintain appropriate business records, to comply with lawful requests by public authorities and to comply with applicable laws and regulations or as otherwise required by law.
  • Marketing communications: All personal information related to the services or professional interactions with Hebias, including e.g. your e-mail address and phone number, is gathered, and processed also in the interest of our own marketing purposes. However, under the legal basis of ‘legitimate interest’, we only send information that you can expect to be related to your relationship with Hebias and relevant or of interest to you or your business. We may for example send you emails to inform you of various opportunities our site has to offer or news about our services, such as the training sessions, that could be relevant or of interest to you to reach your business goals. You can at any time ‘opt out’ by unsubscribing. You can also update your setting to no longer receive specific information. For marketing activities outside of the above-mentioned scope, the legal basis of consent applies and thus your consent will be asked beforehand.
  • Marketing optimization: Cookies and other tracking technologies: Hebias, together with its marketing, analytics and technology partners, uses certain monitoring and tracking technologies (such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags, and scripts). These technologies are used in order to maintain, provide, and improve our Services on an ongoing basis, and in order to provide our Customers with a better experience. Functionality tags/files do not require your consent and fall under the legal basis legitimate interest. For analytical and other tags/files, however, we request your consent before placing them on your device. You can give your consent by allowing cookies in your browser settings, by continuing to use our website, or by clicking on the appropriate button on the banner displayed to you. All details are described in section 12 below.
  • Product development and improvement: We thrive to ongoingly improve our services in order to make them fit our customers’ needs. For this reason, and based on our legitimate interest in doing so, we process personal data such as name, e-mail address, profession and organization and draw insights in relation to possible improvements and statistical purposes.
  • Job applicants: to consider Applicants’ candidacy for working at Hebias or as a consultant on our behalf or to be hired by clients (as further detailed in section 7 below).
  • Recruitment reserve: to create a recruitment reserve by gathering information via platforms like i.e. Carerix or LinkedIn and through referrals via the Hebias network (as further detailed in section 8 below).

How We Use and Share Your Data
We can share your data with:

  • Third parties you have authorized (e.g., Google, Microsoft)
  • Affiliate and subsidiary companies

In certain cases, we may share your personal data with third-party service providers (e.g., for hosting, data analysis, marketing support) to perform essential business functions. These third parties will only access your data to carry out these activities and are prohibited from using it for any other purposes. Your personal data will not be sold or leased to third parties.

In cases of legal enforcement, public safety, or law enforcement requests, we may disclose personal data. If Hebias is sold or merged, your data will be accessible to advisors and transferred to new owners, with appropriate measures in place to maintain data integrity and confidentiality. Your data will remain subject to this policy.

Protecting your Privacy

We will only use your personal data for the purposes set out in Section 3 where we are satisfied that:

  • you have provided your consent to us using your Personal data for that purpose (e.g. use of cookies or sending marketing materials not related to the services or professional interactions with Hebias), or
  • our use of your Personal data is necessary to perform a contract or take steps to get a contract with you (e.g. to provide you with our customer assistance and technical support), or
  • our use of your Personal data is necessary to comply with a relevant legal or regulatory obligation that we have, or
  • our use of your Personal data is necessary to support legitimate interests that we have as a business (for example, to maintain and improve our Services by identifying user trends and the effectiveness of Hebias campaigns and identifying technical issues, sending relevant marketing messages or the assembly of a recruitment reserve), provided it is conducted at all times in a way that is proportionate, and that respects your privacy rights


We may retain your data as long as necessary to provide our products and services, and beyond such time to the extent legally permitted and based on our legal obligations (e.g. in relation to invoice retention) or legitimate interests (e.g. in retaining data for the purposes of responding to possible disputes or complaints or for possible reactivation of subscriptions or for the retention of CVs in the recruitment reserve for 5 years).

We maintain a data retention policy which we apply to information in our care. Where your data is no longer required or in case the data subject uses the right to object we will ensure it is either securely deleted or anonymized.

Transfer of Data Outside the European Economic Area
We do not transfer personal data to entities outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Your Data Rights
Data protection laws grant you several rights regarding your personal data, ensuring control over its processing. These rights include:

  • Access: You can request confirmation if we process your data and request a copy of it.
  • Rectification: You can request corrections or additions if your data is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Erasure (“Right to Be Forgotten”): You may request deletion of your data when it no longer complies with data protection regulations.
  • Restriction: You can ask us to limit data processing in specific situations.
  • Data Portability: You can request your data in a machine-readable format or ask us to transfer it to another controller.
  • Objection: You can object to data processing, especially for direct marketing purposes.
  • Automated Decisions: You have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing.

Please contact us via for any request you would like to address to Hebias.

Withdrawing Consent
If you have given consent to process your data, you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us via email or through your account.

Procedure to Exercise Rights
We may ask you to verify your identity to ensure your request is valid. If you believe your rights are not being respected, you have the right to file a complaint with Belgium’s Data Protection Authority.

We take technical and organizational measures to protect your data from accidental or unlawful incidents. However, as the internet is an open network, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Terms of Use and Liability
These terms apply to all visitors and users of our website and Web Application, with the Hebias ‘Web Applications’ Agreement ‘taking precedence where applicable.

  1. Permitted Usage
    The materials on our website and Web Application are protected by intellectual property rights. You may use them for personal purposes only. Any other use requires express written consent.
  2. Prohibited Usage
    Users are prohibited from using the website or Web Application for illegal purposes, transmitting harmful material, or infringing third-party rights.
  3. Liability
    We strive for accuracy but cannot guarantee the website and web application will be free from errors or interruptions. We disclaim liability for any issues arising from use, technical malfunctions, or third-party links.

Hebias Job Applications

Hebias welcomes all qualified Applicants to apply to any of the open positions published by sending us their contact details and CV (“Applicants Information”) via our Website, or through any other means provided by us (e.g. by email or post).

We understand that privacy and discreetness are crucial to our Applicants and are committed to keep Applicants Information private and use it solely for Hebias’s internal recruitment purposes (including for identifying Applicants, evaluating their applications, making hiring and employment decisions, and contacting Applicants by phone or in writing).

Please note that Hebias may retain Applicants Information submitted to it for no longer than five year after the applied position has been filled or closed. This is done so we could re consider Applicants for other positions and opportunities at Hebias; so we could use their Applicants Information as reference for future applications submitted by them; and in case the Applicant is hired, for additional employment and business purposes related to his/her work at Hebias.

If you previously submitted your Applicants Information to Hebias, and now wish to access it, update it or have it deleted from Hebias’s systems, please contact us at

Recruitment Reserve

To create a recruitment reserve for staffing solutions, Hebias collects personal data through platforms like LinkedIn or through referrals from the Hebias network.

We understand that privacy and discreetness are crucial to any person in the recruitment reserve, and are committed to keep their personal data private and use it solely for Hebias’s recruitment purposes (including for identifying possible candidates for a position, and contacting them to evaluate their potential interest by phone or in writing).

Please note that Hebias retains information from data subjects in the recruitment reserve for five years after collection. This is done so we could re consider people for other positions and opportunities and/or we could use their information as reference for future job opportunities.

If you want to know if you are part of the recruitment reserve or shared your information via linked or through your network through a transfer, and now wish to access it, update it or have it deleted from Hebias’s systems, please contact us at

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
Belgian law governs this policy and any disputes related to it. Only the courts where Hebias’ registered office is located will have jurisdiction.

Amendments to This Policy
We may update and change this privacy statement from time to time, as we may find necessary and as our site evolves and grows. While we will do our best to bring updates to your attention, it is your responsibility to keep track of such updates. Your continuing use of this site constitutes an acknowledgement of any changes in this privacy statement.